Starting a new firm, even in your beloved area of sepcialization
is no cakewalk. Many newcomers in the SEOin Pune with the big dreams may have realized that it’s not that easy to
realize all those cherished dreams. That picture of perfect happiness just needs
too many colors and too many strokes!
I am in no mood to give you all those childish tips about
how to become successful and influential…I am not a self help book writer. I
believe people with these much ambitions are mature enough to understand the gravity
of the task which they want to accomplish. What I want to pinpoint is the
motive, the driving force behind this mammoth task.
Everything is relative, nothing is absolute. The same
applies to the definition of success. For some people, it’s only about money.
For others money is nothing. For few, success is money plus many other things. The
important question to ask here is where do you fit? Do you want to start a new company
just because you want to earn money or you want to make a significant contribution
in that field? What you want to become? A trend setter or a trend follower? It
may sound too philosophical and even out of sync to some people, but this is
what differentiates a leader from the follower!
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